Disteributed objects and data encoding

Memory allocation vor Java variables and objects instances

Method call as a message - or two messages: the call message and the return-result message

Message encodings

Messages transmitted over a network (exchange between the memories of two computers): message is a sequence of bits

Remote Procedure Call (RPC)

The idea is that method invocations on remote objects can be programmed like method invocations on objects that are local within the same program.

To make the calling program largely independent of the questio whether the called object instance is local or remote, one uses a local proxy object in the case that the called object is remote. The proxy object has the same interface and when a method of the proxy object is called, it send a message including the call parameters to the remote object; the latter executes the method and when it returns, the environment of the object, called sceleton, returns a message with the return parameter to the proxy object, which now returns to the calling program.

One needs some form of directory service where a valid pointer to a remote can be found (the first one to be called by an application). Note that the call parameters and return parameters may include copies of object instances, or valid remote references to objects. These remote references include information about where these objects reside.

More details

The most important RPC standards are the following:

XML (additional information for the curious reader)

Last update: April 5,  2016