/** Two SDL processes - Example of Figure 12.1 in book by Braek * * Gregor v. Bochmann, January 2009 */ // les deux processus SDL ("rar" stands for Ra received; "sbs" stands for Gb sent; etc ) A = (rar -> sbs -> gbr -> aas -> ear -> qbs -> A | sar -> gas -> qar -> A). B = (rbr -> sas -> gar -> abs -> ebr -> qas -> B | sbr -> gbs -> qbr -> B). // medium de communication de A vers B MAB = (gas -> gar -> MAB | sbs -> sbr -> MAB | qbs -> qbr -> MAB). // medium de communication de A vers B MBA = (gbs -> gbr -> MBA | sas -> sar -> MBA | qas -> qar -> MBA). // the composition of these four components ||SYS = (A || B || MAB || MBA).