/** TCP according to the original specification of 1981 - see https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc793.txt * * Gregor v. Bochmann, January 2015 */ // Same as vERSION 4, except that the service primitives are changed. // same service property as in Figure (b) of course notes, but making it symmetric by allowing both sides to have both roles, Initiator and Responder. // in the case that both sides are initiator, there will be no indication nor response primitives. property TCP_SERVICE = (reqA -> STARTA | reqB -> STARTB), STARTA = (indB -> respB -> confA -> dataExchange -> END | reqB -> START), STARTB = (indA -> respA -> confB -> dataExchange -> END | reqA -> START), START = (confA -> confB -> GO | confB -> confA -> GO). // GO is the final state for this property A1 = (reqA -> sAsyn -> A_SYNSENT | rAsyn -> A_CHECK_USER), A_CHECK_USER = (indA -> respA -> sAacksyn -> A_SYNRECEIVED), A_SYNSENT = (rAacksyn -> confA -> sAack -> A_SYNRECEIVED | rAsyn-> confA -> sAack -> A_SYNRECEIVED), A_SYNRECEIVED = (rAack -> A_ESTABLISHED | closeA -> sAfin -> A_FIN_WAIT_1), A_ESTABLISHED = (rAfin -> sAack -> closeA -> sAfin -> rAack -> A1 | closeA -> sAfin -> A_FIN_WAIT_1), A_FIN_WAIT_1 = (rAfin -> sAack -> rAack -> A_TIME_WAIT // | rAfinack -> sAack -> A_TIME_WAIT | rAack -> rAfin -> sAack -> A_TIME_WAIT), A_TIME_WAIT = (timeoutA -> A1). // there appears to be another error in the Wikipedia diagram. The message FIN+AK received in the state FIN WAIT 1 // is never sent by the other side. // there appears to be another error also in the 1981 TCP state diagram: // If the is simulaneous connection establishment from both sides, and // both sides do a CLOSE from state SYN_RCVD, then there is no indication of the reception of the ack // which was send in the transition leading into the SYN_RCVD state. // this problem is discovetred by the Safty Check of LTSA for the protocol specification given below. B1 = (reqB -> sBsyn -> B_SYNSENT | rBsyn -> B_CHECK_USER), B_CHECK_USER = (indB -> respB -> sBacksyn -> B_SYNRECEIVED), B_SYNSENT = (rBacksyn -> confB -> sBack -> B_SYNRECEIVED | rBsyn -> confB -> sBack -> B_SYNRECEIVED), B_SYNRECEIVED = (rBack -> B_ESTABLISHED | closeB -> sBfin -> B_FIN_WAIT_1), B_ESTABLISHED = (rBfin -> sBack -> closeB -> sBfin -> rBack -> B1 | closeB -> sBfin -> B_FIN_WAIT_1), B_FIN_WAIT_1 = (rBfin -> sBack -> rBack -> B_TIME_WAIT // | rBfinack -> sBack -> B_TIME_WAIT | rBack -> rBfin -> sBack -> B_TIME_WAIT), B_TIME_WAIT = (timeoutB -> B1). // communifation medium MAB = (sAsyn -> rBsyn -> MAB | sAacksyn -> rBacksyn -> MAB | sAack -> rBack -> MAB | sAfin -> rBfin -> MAB // | sAfinack -> rBfinack -> MAB ). MBA = (sBsyn -> rAsyn -> MBA | sBacksyn -> rAacksyn -> MBA | sBack -> rAack -> MBA | sBfin -> rAfin -> MBA // | sBfinack -> rAfinack -> MBA ). // global system ||SYSTEM = (A1 || B1 || MAB || MBA). ||Check_Service = (TCP_SERVICE || SYSTEM). // CONCLUSION: TCP has no deadlock and the description in Wikipedia is erroneous.