// One can model IOAs with LTSs by using completely specified IOA, // that is, in each state, transitions for the reception of all possible input interactions are specified // - some of those transitions may go to the error state, in the following called NR (for non-specified reception). // Here is a simple example: Machine A (initial state A1) sends b and receives a and c interactions; // Machine B (initial state B1) sends a and c interactions and receives b; A1 = (a -> A2 | c -> A_NR), A2 = (a -> A_NR | c -> A1 | b -> A2), A_NR = (a -> A_NR | c -> A_NR). B1 = (b -> B2 | a -> B1), B2 = (b -> B_NR | c -> B1), B_NR = (b -> B_NR). ||COMPOSITION = (A1 || B1). // the same, but using ERROR (with predefined meaning in LTSA) instead of NR A1x = (a -> A2x | c -> ERROR), A2x = (a -> ERROR | c -> A1x | b -> A2x). B1x = (b -> B2x | a -> B1x), B2x = (b -> ERROR | c -> B1x). ||COMPOSITIONx = (A1x || B1x).