public class SimSystem extends EventHandler { private FutureEventList future; private Server s; private User user; // for keeping statistics final double averageServiceTime = 0.9; final double averageRequestRate = 1; final double END = 2000; // marks the end of the simulation period private double measurementPeriod = 5; private final int STAT_LENGTH = 10000; private int[] stat_Q_Length = new int[STAT_LENGTH]; private boolean[] stat_S_Free = new boolean[STAT_LENGTH]; private int nbStats = 0; public SimSystem(){ System.out.println("simulation starts"); future = new FutureEventList(); // This simulated system includes one server (which includes a queue for requests) // and one "User" generating service requests with Poisson arrival distribution. s = new Server(future, averageServiceTime, null); user = new User(s, averageRequestRate, future); // The following event is introduced to start the activity of the simulation process. // It is the first event to be processed (initially, the only one; // but others will be produced as this one is being processed) Event e1 = new Event(); e1.time = 0; = user; e1.action = Event.USER_REQ; = 1; future.enter(e1); // the following event starts the regular status checking for statistics Event e2 = new Event(); e1.time = 0; = this; e2.action = Event.STAT; = 0; future.enter(e2); // The following is the simulating engine using a virtual time recorded in the events // that are stored in the FutureEventList and other event queues. // The events represent data flow; in this example the only data is an ID. // The information about total delay encountered for a data object (also foreseen) // has not be programmed. while(true){ if(0 == future.getNbEvents()) {System.out.println("no events - deadlock"); break;} Event nextE = future.getNext(); if(nextE == null) {System.out.println("null pointer"); break;} if(nextE.time > END) {System.out.println("END time = " + nextE.time); break;}; } printStat(); } // this procedure looks after status checking for statistics protected void handleEvent(Event e){ // e.action should be STAT System.out.println("SimSystem: measurement " + e.action + " ID " + + " time " + e.time); stat_Q_Length[] = s.queueSize(); stat_S_Free[] = s.isFree(); nbStats++;; e.time = e.time + measurementPeriod; future.enter(e); } // print-out of statistics information at the end of the simulation private void printStat() { int sumQSize = 0; int sumFree = 0; for(int i=0; i