Assignment 4 ---------------- Student 50111 and 2273596 Email:, Total marks: 96/100 [1] Build a program that simulates the model and (a) Measures the utilization all resources, such as shovels, crusher, and trucks. (b) Have proper simulation start state (all trucks waiting for their shovel) (c) Print all simulation results 10 + (20 + 5 + 5) [x] Simulation model modestly represents the required scenarios. [x] The similation results emphasised on truck utilization and did not give organized picture about the utilization of shovels or crushers. -2 [x] Have proper simulation start states [x] the simulation results were understandable and entertaining! [2] New model (the crusher serves the trucks associated with shovel 1 at higher priority than the other trucks). Do a similar simulation for this revised model. (a) Simulation model that reflects the higher priority associated with Shovel 1 (b) Measurements of the utilization of all resources (c) Simulation results 20 + 15 + 5 [x] Great. [x] Im sure the calculation of the efficiency your way makes more sense, but the assignment was basically suggesting to know the time utilization for each of the components [3] Discuss the following questions: (a) Is the system well balanced or are there bottlenecks ? (b) In order to remove the bottlenecks Would it be better to change the number of trucks or the number of shovels ? (c) Quantify your discussions by using some simulations with different numbers of trucks and shovels. 5+5+10 [x] The bottleneck of the system is the crusher, which is correctly potrayed in the assignment result. Also the finding that trucks with larger capacity improves system throughput was really splendid. [x] The simulation did not reflect on the overall impact in the happennings of the change in the number of shovel parameters -2 [x] The quantification of the overall simulation results was very bright and indicates the discussion was carried after extensive simulation results analysis. [x] Overall, as always, very good work boyz!