msc tracetst.msc; caller: instancehead User; phone1: instancehead DEB; originating0: instancehead CEB; ottawa0: instancehead LEB; 0: instancehead CallObject; montreal0: instancehead LEB; terminating0: instancehead CEB; phone2: instancehead DEB; callee: instancehead User; caller: out offhook,1 () to phone1; phone1: in offhook,1 () from caller; phone1: out dialtoneon,2 () to caller; caller: in dialtoneon,2 () from phone1; caller: out dial,3 (termnum ) to phone1; phone1: in dial,3 (termnum ) from caller; phone1: out digitreceived,4 () to caller; caller: in digitreceived,4 () from phone1; phone1: out connectreq,5 (termnum ) to originating0; originating0: in connectreq,5 (termnum ) from phone1; originating0: out connectreq,6 (termnum ) to ottawa0; ottawa0: in connectreq,6 (termnum ) from originating0; ottawa0: out connectreq,7 (termnum ) to 0; 0: in connectreq,7 (termnum ) from ottawa0; 0: out connectind,8 (termnum ) to montreal0; montreal0: in connectind,8 (termnum ) from 0; montreal0: out connectind,9 () to terminating0; terminating0: in connectind,9 () from montreal0; terminating0: out connectind,10 () to phone2; phone2: in connectind,10 () from terminating0; phone2: out ringingon,11 () to callee; callee: in ringingon,11 () from phone2; phone2: out connectresp,12 () to terminating0; terminating0: in connectresp,12 () from phone2; terminating0: out connectresp,13 () to montreal0; montreal0: in connectresp,13 () from terminating0; montreal0: out connectresp,14 () to 0; 0: in connectresp,14 () from montreal0; 0: out connectconf,15 () to ottawa0; ottawa0: in connectconf,15 () from 0; ottawa0: out connectconf,16 () to originating0; originating0: in connectconf,16 () from ottawa0; originating0: out connectconf,17 () to phone1; phone1: in connectconf,17 () from originating0; phone1: out ringbackon,18 () to caller; caller: in ringbackon,18 () from phone1; callee: out offhook,19 () to phone2; phone2: in offhook,19 () from callee; phone2: out answerreq,20 () to terminating0; terminating0: in answerreq,20 () from phone2; terminating0: out answerreq,21 () to montreal0; montreal0: in answerreq,21 () from terminating0; montreal0: out answerreq,22 () to 0; 0: in answerreq,22 () from montreal0; 0: out answerind,23 () to ottawa0; ottawa0: in answerind,23 () from 0; ottawa0: out answerind,24 () to originating0; originating0: in answerind,24 () from ottawa0; originating0: out answerind,25 () to phone1; phone1: in answerind,25 () from originating0; phone1: out ringbackoff,26 () to caller; caller: in ringbackoff,26 () from phone1; callee: out onhook,27 () to phone2; phone2: in onhook,27 () from callee; phone2: out disconnectreq,28 () to terminating0; terminating0: in disconnectreq,28 () from phone2; terminating0: out disconnectreq,29 () to montreal0; montreal0: in disconnectreq,29 () from terminating0; montreal0: out disconnectreq,30 () to 0; 0: in disconnectreq,30 () from montreal0; 0: out disconnectind,31 () to ottawa0; ottawa0: in disconnectind,31 () from 0; ottawa0: out disconnectind,32 () to originating0; originating0: in disconnectind,32 () from ottawa0; originating0: out disconnectind,33 () to phone1; phone1: in disconnectind,33 () from originating0; phone1: out dialtoneon,34 () to caller; caller: in dialtoneon,34 () from phone1; caller: out onhook,35 () to phone1; phone1: in onhook,35 () from caller; caller: endinstance; phone1: endinstance; originating0: endinstance; ottawa0: endinstance; 0: endinstance; montreal0: endinstance; terminating0: endinstance; phone2: endinstance; callee: endinstance; endmsc;