
test PP sentences

To set a framework; DIPETT successfully parses the first three of the 
following PP-rich sentences (the fourth is parsed fragmentarily):

I printed the file in the morning.
I printed the file in the morning on the printer.
I printed the file in the morning on the printer by the desk.
I printed the file in the morning on the printer by the desk in the office.

The third sentence demonstrates misattachment.  Parsing places all the
PPs in a conj_pp list following the entity in a svoo_svoc_svoa (complement)

	svoo_svoc_svoa( [entity( ... ), [conj_pps( ... )] ] ).

Correct attachment would have 'by the desk' appearing as a modifier of 
'on the printer':

	noun( n(printer,countnoun),
              noun_modifiers( pre_modif([]),
                              post_modif( <'by the desk'_struct> ))))

I think (but am not sure).  Sylvain, your thesis speaks on p.82 of a
non-terminal called 'appendage', but I guess this was eliminated as the
grammar was refined.  If this destination location is wrong, please let
me know.

We all know that with the exception of positional NPs, PPs are the most 
frequent markers of Cases. I wonder if we could therefore view the conj_pp 
list in a complement as a list of CMs once reattachment had properly
subordinated its elements to one another.

Comments welcome.

Terry Copeck (terry@csi.uottawa.ca)