Object Oriented Software Engineering
Practical Software Development Uning UML and Java

Problem Reporting form

This form is to report problems in the above book, by Timothy C. Lethbridge and Robert Laganière. If you detect any kind of problem, be it something you didn't understand, a bug in the code or a suggestion for improvement, then please submit a report. We can't acknowledge every report (since there may be many duplicates), but any important corrections will appear on the web site.

Thank you

Dr. Timothy C. Lethbridge and Dr. Robert Laganière
School of Information Technology and Engineering,
150 Louis Pasteur,
University of Ottawa,
K1N 6N5

Questions about the problem itself


Version of the book (see title page):


Number of the page, figure and/or exercise:


Please describe the problem in as much detail as you can:


(Optional) If you have a specific solution, and have not given it above, then please provide us with your ideas:


(Optional) How important do you think the problem is?

Major problem. A clear error that will be misleading. Readers should be immediately notified.
Intermediate problem. This should be fixed for the next edition.
Minor problem. It doesn't really matter if this is fixed or not.


(Optional) In which categories would you place this problem:

A bug in the code (including comment bugs)
An error in the text
A suggestion that would result in rearranging material in the text.
A suggestion that would result in adding additional material.
A suggestion that would result in removing material.
Something I found confusing or did not understand.
A formatting problem
A grammar or spelling problem

Identification Questions (All Optional)

Answering these questions will enable us to acknowledge you and/or ask for more information.


University (if you are studying the book in a course):






Do you wish to be acknowledged by name (e.g. on a web page containing a list of bugs). Answer NO to keep your identify private, except from the authors.

Yes, I would like to be acknowledged if my contribution causes a significant change to the book.
No, I would prefer that others not know my identity, thank-you

Thank you for your submission