SAM'04 Workshop Dinner

The workshop dinner will be held on Thursday at the award-winning Restaurant L'Orée du Bois, in the beautiful Gatineau Park. This restaurant is renowned for its French and regional cuisine in a unique country setting in the heart of Canada's National Capital Region parkland.

Transportation by bus will be provided. As the workshop will end at 16:00 on that day, there will be time for participants to go to their hotel and change if they desire. The bus will leave from the University of Ottawa and will make one stop at a rendezvous point near the hotels to get people on board. Details are to be provided at the conference.
Prior to the arrival at the restaurant, weather permitting, we will stretch our legs and enjoy the beautiful surroundings of the Mackenzie King Estate, a few minutes away from L'Orée du Bois.

The SAM'04 Workshop Dinner is generously sponsored by .

 Dinner Menu

Participants will order from this menu at the restaurant. The first glass of wine is included in the cost of the dinner, but additional glasses (or bottles) are not included.

Entrée / Appetizer

Rillettes de sanglier aux échalotes confites au vin de bleuet
Wild boar "rillettes" with braised shallots in blueberry wine

Fondant de foie de canard au porto
Duckling liver mousse with port

Salade panachée au cheddar et fromage de chèvre frais, vinaigrette à la framboise
Mixed salads with cheddar and fresh goat cheese, raspberry dressing

Tulipe de champignons au persil plat
Mushrooms tulip with Italian parsley

Olives marinées, cornichons et croûtons
Marinated olives, gherkins and croûtons

Potage / Soup

Soupe de légumes du jour
Vegetable soup of the day

Plat principal / Entrée

Suprême de volaille au cidre et aux pommes caramélisées
Breast of chicken with cider and caramelized apple

Confit de canard du lac de Brome au poivre vert
Confit of Brôme lake duckling with green peppercorn sauce

Saumon de l'Atlantique poché aux herbes
Atlantic salmon with herbs sauce

Pot au feu de la mer
Fish and seafood stew

Cailles confites aux champignons sauvages
Braised quails with wild mushrooms sauce

Pavé de bœuf, sauce au poivre vert
Beef pave with green peppercorn sauce

Dessert / Dessert 

Assiette gourmande de desserts (5 petits desserts sur une assiette)
Gourmand desserts plate (5 small desserts on one plate)

Gâteau praliné aux noisettes
Hazelnut cake

Coulis de framboise aux fruits
Raspberry puree with fruits

Savarin au rhum et fruits confits 
“Savarin” cake with rum & candied fruits

Sorbet du jour
Sherbet of the day

Chocolat maison
Homemade chocolate

Café ou thé / Coffee or tea