EECS Email Alias Structure

General EECS aliases
council Includes all members of the EECS council, including allprofs (see the allprofs alias description below), staff and student representatives.
General information request alias. Reaches the Faculty of Engineering's academic reception.
Information request for the OCIECE graduate program; reaches the academic assistant responsible for the program.
ocics-info Information request for the OCICS graduate program; reaches the academic assistant responsible for the program.
TA aliases (*)
The TA aliases can be used to reach all EECS TAs for a given semester, or TAs assigned to a course:
  • To reach all EECS TAs for a given semester, the year/month must be used to identify which semester is to be used. Semesters are identified as 1 for winter, 5 for summer and 9 for fall. For example, to reach all TAs for the summer 2012 semester, you would send the email to
  • You can also use the TAcourse aliases to reach all TAs assigned to a course. These aliases also include the professor responsible for the course. Hence, to reach the professor and all TAs assigned to course ELG1100 section A, use the alias
course aliases (*)
You can send an email to all students registered in your course by sending the email to the course code (including the section). This email will reach all students registered in the course, the professor, and the TAs assigned to the course.

For example, to reach the students, professor and TAs of ELG1100 section A, use the alias These aliases are kept for one semester after the end of the course.

Note that for undergraduate students, the email will be sent to their address. It is the student's responsibility to read their email at that address, or to set up forwarding for that address.

As an alternate method, you can also use the course email function within infoweb...
Includes graduate and undergraduate student that are members of the EECS council. This list is managed by EECS's Administrative Assistant.
Professor aliases
Includes EECS regular professors (used for APUO discussions, etc.)
profs Includes as well as emeritus and cross-appointed professors
Includes EECS professors belonging to OCIECE; the content of this list is managed by the director of the OCIECE Institute.
Includes EECS professors belonging to OCICS; the content of this list is managed by the director of the OCICS Institute.
part-time-profs (*) Includes all part-time professors that have been teaching EECS courses during the current semester and the previous 2 semesters.
Staff aliases
Includes all members of EECS support staff, i.e. includes adminstaff and techstaff.
Members of EECS's administrative support staff.
Members of EECS's technical support staff.
Graduate student aliases
grads (*) Includes all active EECS Masters or Ph.D. students (i.e. include ocics-grads and ociece-grads).
ociece-grads (*), (*) Includes all students currently registered in OCIECE Masters or Ph.D. programs.
ocics-grads (*), (*) Includes all students currently registered in OCICS Masters or Ph.D. programs.
Researcher aliases
researchers (*) The researchers alias is a catch-all alias for active members of  EECS that are neither professors, support staff or students. It includes visiting professors, research assistants, postdocs, etc. Note that this list only includes researchers that have requested accounts for EECS's computing infrastructure.

If you have questions, please address them to