Nortel Networks

Congratulations to our SITE students!

For a second year, twelve of our SITE undergraduate students participated in the Nortel Case Competition. During the fall 1999 semester, engineering students got together with students from the Faculty of Administration to compete with Carleton University teams in this case competition sponsored by Nortel Networks. Each team had to develop and present a detailed, professional business plan for a fictitious company to provide telecommunications services to small and medium size businesses in Toronto and Montreal. The plan included a complete market analysis, a telecommunications network design and a business case.

At a venture capitalist gala held on December 4th in Château Cartier, the six UofO teams impressed the panel and the attendance with the high quality of their presentations. The first and second places for the University of Ottawa finally went respectively to the teams VIA Networks (with SITE students Sherif Awad and Wael Hermas) and Frontel (with SITE students Pierre Laporte and Babak Noory).

Congratulations to all of the SITE participants, whose hard work and professional presentations did us proud!

The Teams...
Via Networks MILCOM Frontel Supply Net Solutions FUNFCOM
Sherif Awad
Marc-André Hawkes
Wael Hermas
Alan Walsh
Baraa El-Kadri
Marc Fielding
Vijayashankar Manickam
Brandon Nihmey
Pierre Laporte
Babak Noory
Sarah Wise
Serena Wong
Mohammed Aboukarr
Paul Benoit
Jason Brash
Brian Wong
Sheila Bansal
Christine Dawes
Margaret de Haan
Christopher Juneau
Christina Chean
Paul Lefebvre
Dan Mackay
Simone Redman

Contact: L'École d'ingénierie et de technologie de l'information / School of Information Technology and Engineering
Copyright © 1999 University of Ottawa